Emulator Platform Author MSega A cheap hack of ElSemi's Sega Model 2 Emulator, claim to be a new Model 2 emulator. Download the latest version of Model 2 Emulator for Windows. Accueil Non-MAME Model 2 Emulator (1.1) Choisissez votre affichage: Nom: Taille Behind Enemy Lines 26.06 Mo Daytona USA 14.42 Mo Daytona USA '93 Edition 2.69 Mo Daytona USA (Saturn Ads). As a bonus, this emulator contains an experimental recompiler SCSP DSP emulation. Terminator: Dark Fate Defiance Oklahoma City Battle Fly-By Trailer.

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It's designed to have a huge performance boost in Multi-Core CPUs (Dual Core and Core Duo) as it will allow the emulator to use both cores in parallel. File size 4.98 MB Mime type text/plain charsetus-ascii compressed-encodingapplication/zip charsetbinary Other info Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract. This is an experimental Model 2 emulator build using multithreaded code for parallel CPU, GPU and Sound emulation.