
Vir2 electri6ity settings panel
Vir2 electri6ity settings panel

vir2 electri6ity settings panel

#Vir2 electri6ity settings panel how to

On the following page we want to give you some tips on how to make Electri6ity sound very realistic with just a few tweaks. The picking noise is only one example we picked out to show you the di! erence between keyboard instrument and an electric guitar. A latency of 50ms or more isn't suitable for live playing, so that's the reason it's helpful to tweak the settings after recording a MIDI track before you'll do the Þ nal mixdown. Depending on the tempo a guitarist is playing, the time between the 'click' and the tone may vary and it's not unusual that the actual tone is delayed 50ms after you hear the picking noise. With a growing library of instruments, Vir2 offers premium products across a wide variety of genres. Vir2 is producing the instruments that shape the sound of modern music.

vir2 electri6ity settings panel

Their latest creation, powerrd by Kontakt, is certainly that. Vir2 Instruments is an international team of sound designers, musicians, and programmers who specialize in creating the world’s most advanced virtual instrument libraries. A guitarist might, for example, touch the string with a plectrum, which is audible as a small ÒclickÓ before actually plucking the string. Electri6ity is a new virtual electric guitar instrument from Vir2, a team of international sound designers, musicians and programmers who specialise in producing advanced libraries. Virtual Electric Guitar (Download) Contains sound libraries of eight of the most popular electric guitars (Strat, Tele, P90, Les Paul, Rickenbacker, Danelectro Lipstick, ES335 and L4), Over 24000. Downstrokes, upstrokes, seamless velocity layers, ghost notes, mutes, harmonics, hammer-ons, pulloffs, slides, releases, and FX the sky is the limit with Electri6ity. Joined: Messages: 412 Likes Received: 5 Trophy Points: 18 Location: Ceuta, South of Spain, North of Africa. On a guitar, things are a little di! erent. Discussion in Practice Room started by Javi Perera, Jan 28, 2010. When playing a key on a piano, you hear the note's tone as soon as you press the key. Vir2 Instruments has announced Electri6ity, an epic electric guitar virtual instrument containing the most advanced, detailed, and versatile collection of electric guitars ever made in a virtual instrument. This means that some of the typical guitar noises Ð which add a lot of realism Ð aren't very audible by default.ĭue to the vast di!erences between keyboard and stringed instruments, tweaking settings can make a big di!erence in the quality of the rendered results. By default, Electri6ity has been setup for live playing.

Vir2 electri6ity settings panel